Howard University Hospital
Tuesday May 15, 2018
The meeting was called to order at: 7:15PM
I. Committee Reports
A. SCHOLARSHIPS – Current applications are under review and decisions will be awarded no later than June 1, 2018. Applications are due no later than October 1st and April 1st.
II. New Business
A. The applications for Audrey Wagenseller, M.D. and Teresa Nasabzadeh, M.D. were presented at the last meeting and were on and approved.
B. The June 5th, 2018 NIH meeting at Suburban Hospital has been cancelled due to the construction at Suburban Hospital and will be rescheduled to be co-hosted with the next WRNMMC meeting
C. Samanatha Toerge, M.D. is being presented as the next Secretary-Treasurer of the society and was voted on and approved.
III. The next DC Dermatological Society meeting will be in September at WHC – TBD
Thank you to Dr. Ted Rosen for speaking
The meeting was adjourned at: 7:25PM