George Washington Hospital Center
Business Meeting
Thursday April 15, 2021
The meeting was called to order at: 7:05pm
I. Committee Reports
A. Advocacy: Members are receiving a periodic email with the updates from the AAD Advisory Board Committee activities provided by Dr.Kelley Redbord (DC Derm representative)
B. Scholarship Program
a. Scholarship Committee 2020-2021: Dr. Maral Skelsey (chair), Rosemarie Liu, Jennifer DeSimone and Benjamin Lockshin.
b. Ten thousand dollars has been ear marked for scholarships and grants. Applications are due by October 1, 2021 and April 1, 2022
C. Dues
a. Please pay your dues on line at
II. New Business
III. Thank you to all the residents and faculty at George Washington Hospital Center for preparing the conference today.
IV. The invited speaker for the meeting is: Steven R. Cohen, MD, MPH
Key Note Presentation – “Five Un-Easy Pieces: Therapeutic Controversies in Dermatology”
V. CME: The society member attendants will receive 2.75 CME credits for the meeting. CME’s will be awarded to your WHC CME account according to the virtual presentation log. Please fill out the CME form in the chat room. Please DO NOT attempt to text in for credit it will not work.
VI. Discussion for continued Virtual Meetings or live meetings for 2021-2022 meetings
VII, Next meeting is May 27th, 2021 presented virtually by Howard University Hospital
VIII: Closing remarks from President Samantha Toerge, M.D.
The meeting was adjourned at: 7:15pm
Submitted by: J. Garza, Administrator