Howard University
May 19, 2015
Dr. Steve Krivda called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm
I. Committee Reports
A. Social Committee
- Reminder announcement that the 2nd DC Derm Picnic will be June 6 in Virginia at Nottoway Park in Vienna from 12-4.
II. New Business
- Applications for new membership presented for Soonyou Kwon M.D. and Liana Abramova M.D.
- The following membership applicants were voted in: C Deklotz MD, A Kirkorian M.D. and K. Marathe M.D.
III. Guest speakers
- M Maiberger MD, spoke on The Intersection of Cutaneous and Renal Disease:Updates.
- T Keaney MD, spoke on The Aging Male Face: Therapeutic Considerations.
The next DC dermatology event is the Annual Family Picnic scheduled for Saturday June 6, 2015 12-4p at Nottoway Park in VA. Directions were distributed at check in.
The meeting was adjourned at 930p
Respectfully submitted by
Suraj Venna , M.D.,