Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
The meeting was called to order at: 9:25 AM
I. Committee Reports
A. Social:
Dr. Suraj Venna thanked Dr. Florencia Anatelli for organizing the Social Event “Holiday Happy Hour” at Cuba Libre Restaurant on November 10th
B. Advocacy:
No Updates
C. Scholarship Committee:
No Updates
D. Membership Dues: the members were reminded to maintain and update the annual dues.
II. New Business
A. Membership application was voted on Zain Husain, M.D. who was unanimously accepted into the society.
B. The Resident Appreciation Dinner was announced for March 23rd, 2017. The Residents were reminded about the “Case Presentation” Competition. Prizes will be awarded for the best presentation. The deadline for submission of the cases is March 1st.
C. New initiative: Our Society is full of members who promote good will in our communities. The society plans to select a member who has volunteered their time in serving the underserved and recognize this member and hopefully inspire others to do the same. Members were asked to email recommendations with a nomination brief to
D. Dr. Benjamin Lockshin announced the beginning of enrollment for several clinical trials on Moderate Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis for patients that may be interested. Dr. Venna encouraged other members to use the DC Derm Society as a platform for announcement of other clinical trials in the area.
III. The speakers for the meeting were Isaac Brownell, MD, Nicholas Logemann, DO and Sekwon Jang, MD.
IV. The next Washington. DC Dermatology meeting (Resident Appreciation and Case Presentation Competition Dinner) will take place on Thursday March 23, 2017. Location is TBD.
The meeting was adjourned at: 9:30
Respectfully submitted by: Florencia Anatelli, MD